Following on from my last posts on documenting a Spring Boot micro service, and setting up a Spring Boot OAuth2 server, this post focuses on putting OAuth2 protection on a micro service, and allowing Swagger to use OAuth2.
Adding OAuth2 protection
Spring Boot makes adding the OAuth2 protection fairly straightforward, assuming you:
- Know the basics of how OAuth2 works
- Have your OAuth2 authorisation server URLs handy
- Have an OAuth2 client set up so your micro service can validate tokens
OAuth2 dependencies
First we need to add the oauth2 dependency (I was using spring-boot-starter-parent 1.3.3.RELEASE with this):
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-security-oauth2</artifactId> <version>2.0.9.RELEASE</version> </dependency>
Application properties
Then you’ll need to add some properties which cover the application client and secret, and how to validate requests (as per the Spring Boot security documentation).
security.oauth2.client.clientId=my-client security.oauth2.client.clientSecret=my-secret security.oauth2.resource.tokenInfoUri=http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/check_token security.oauth2.resource.preferTokenInfo=true swagger.oauth.url=http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/authorize
In the example above I have my client details, I have opted to use token validation, and I have provided the check_token endpoint so my micro service can validate tokens passed to it.
Finally, I have added a Swagger related property for OAuth2 authorisation, which I’ll mention later.
Resource Server Configuration
Then I need to set up a configuration class which will then control which endpoints are protected and public.
@Configuration @EnableResourceServer public class OAuthResourceServerConfiguration extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void configure(ResourceServerSecurityConfigurer resources) { resources.resourceId("my-resource"); } @Override public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http.anonymous().and() .authorizeRequests() .antMatchers("/", "/lib/*", "/images/*", "/css/*", "/swagger-ui.js","/swagger-ui.min.js", "/api-docs", "/fonts/*", "/api-docs/*", "/api-docs/default/*", "/o2c.html","index.html","/webjars/**","/hystrix/**").permitAll() .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/my").access("#oauth2.hasScope('')") .anyRequest().authenticated(); } }
In the above example I have protected /my with OAuth2 protection, and made it require the scope. I have also made the various Swagger components public so that they are accessible without authorisation.
Swagger authorisation
Then I need to update the Swagger Configuration to tell it to use OAuth2 when using the micro service.
@Configuration @EnableSwagger @EnableAutoConfiguration public class SwaggerConfig { @Value("${swagger.oauth.url}") private String swaggerOAuthUrl; private SpringSwaggerConfig springSwaggerConfig; @Autowired public void setSpringSwaggerConfig(SpringSwaggerConfig springSwaggerConfig) { this.springSwaggerConfig = springSwaggerConfig; } @Bean public SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin customImplementation() { return new SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin(this.springSwaggerConfig) //Root level documentation .apiInfo(new ApiInfo( "My Service JSON API", "This service provides a JSON API", null, null, null, null )) .useDefaultResponseMessages(false) //Map the specific URL patterns into Swagger .includePatterns("/my") .authorizationTypes(getAuthorizationTypes()) .ignoredParameterTypes(OAuth2Authentication.class, Principal.class); } private List<AuthorizationType> getAuthorizationTypes() { List<AuthorizationType> authorizationTypes = new ArrayList<>(); List<AuthorizationScope> scopes = new ArrayList<>(); scopes.add(new AuthorizationScope("","Read access on the API")); List<GrantType> grantTypes = new ArrayList<>(); ImplicitGrant implicitGrant = new ImplicitGrant(new LoginEndpoint(swaggerOAuthUrl),"access_code"); grantTypes.add(implicitGrant); AuthorizationType oauth = new OAuthBuilder() .scopes(scopes) .grantTypes(grantTypes) .build(); authorizationTypes.add(oauth); return authorizationTypes; } }
In the above example I have mapped in /my as per normal, but also used .authorizationTypes to add details on an OAuth2 authorisation scope. I use the swagger.oauth.url I added to the application properties earlier to tell Swagger where the Authorisation endpoint is.
The end result
The end result is if I try and use the micro service without authorisation I am given a 401 unauthorised response:
And if I click the On/Off slider next to the endpoint, I am then given the option to select a scope and Authorise using the OAuth2 server.
Once I’m appropriately authenticated and authorised, I can try out the service as per normal.